I’m Aminul Islam Alvi, a software engineer by profession and a dreamer by choice.

Hey there! Ever since I can remember, I've been a creator at heart. My journey into the world of technology kicked off when I was just 13 years old, tinkering with my brother's shiny new Intel Core 2 Duo PC. It didn't take long for me to dive into programming and discover my love for crafting digital wonders.

You can call me a coder, a digital nomad, or just a tech enthusiast with a soft spot for good food! Literally! Beyond the screens and keyboards, I'm all about good food and exploring new places.

My Coding adventure started back in school when I stumbled upon WordPress during a hobby project I wanted to make a website for our boy scout group. It was like discovering a treasure trove of possibilities! Through tutorials and forums, I taught myself the ins and outs of WordPress, and before I knew it, I was building websites left and right for local projects and organizations. The best part? Seeing how it brought people together and empowered them online.

Fast forward to today, and I'm working as a Senior Software Engineer at a large-scale WordPress agency, where we're all about crafting top-notch software solutions for clients worldwide. Each day is a new adventure, filled with challenges to tackle and innovations to bring to life.

Whether I'm writing code or exploring a new corner of the world, I'm always up for a chat and ready to take on whatever comes my way. Let's create something awesome together!